Wilhelm G. Clasen

Wilhelm G. Clasen (Bangladesh) Ltd. (www.wgc-bd.com ) is one of the most renowned jute export houses in Bangladesh and is specialized in the world-wide trade with raw jute, allied fibres, jute yarns/twines and jute products. It is 100 % owned by the German foreign trading house Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (www.wgc.de), founded 1919, and its associated group of companies with business interests in natural fibres and their derivates world-wide. Since the foundation of WGC (BD) Ltd. in 2008, customers all around the globe appreciate the dependability of supplies from WGC (BD) Ltd., their impeccable administrative servicing of contracts and their deep market knowledge. Flexibility in changing markets and strong partnerships with customers and suppliers have led to continuous growth. WGC (BD) Ltd. are devoted to German business ethics which means among other things that the sanctity of a contract is indisputable, no matter how the market behaves, and that giving customers entire satisfaction has always priority.